Fountainhead Bookstore, Hendersonville, NCOn Bearwallow Mountain, with Edneyville Elementary SchoolAt Lake Lure Inn, NCBook Launch, Fountainhead BookstoreBookmarks Festival, Winston Salem, NCAppalachian Reading Series, Cumberland GapNarrative 4, with Colum McCann, Ron Rash, Pam Duncan, Robert Gipe, David Joy, Wiley Cash, and Silas HouseOn Bearwallow Mountain, with Edneyville Elementary SchoolAt Scuppernong Books, Greensboro, NCBookmarks Festival, with Mary Alice Monroe and Robert MorganBookmarks Festival, Winston Salem, NCWest Virginia Wesleyan CollegePrairie Lights Bookstore, Iowa City, IAWestern Carolina University literary festival, with Pam Duncan and David Joy Upcoming Events Thursday, September 14, 7:00: Wilma Dykeman Series: West Asheville Public Library